Sydney and Alex aren't just characters in Hope's Journey, they are my friends. The same is true for Megan, Carter, Matt (okay, he's not so much a friend as a liability), Lucas, Marc, and Isaac. And we can't forget my delightful twins Justice and Mercee. I've formed relationships to one degree or another with each of them. I think about them often. I wonder what they are going to do, how they are going to do it, and even how they will feel. I "watch" their movements, "feel" their pains, and "see" the same things they see... I talk about them. I laugh at them. And, I even get angry with them!
I'm beginning to hope there's not something wrong with me! But, if there is, then I take comfort that the same something is wrong with my sweetheart, because he shares the conversations with me. He talks with me about them. He helps fine-tune their voices. And, he knows them each by name.
I'm not so sure how imaginary my characters - um, friends - really are. Which I suppose brings us full circle back to that Wiki defination: "They may seem real to their creators, though they are ultimately unreal." And, I further suppose that's just one of the qualities that makes us authors such "special" people.
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