Friday, April 6, 2012

Maria Hoagland and a Review that "Gets It"!

"Now in case you're wondering, even though these two teenagers make one decision, I don't think that the author is saying that's the only correct decision to make in every situation.... Just as we shouldn’t judge Sydney for her choice, we shouldn’t judge those who offer their baby for adoption, either.... And that's what I liked about this book. It is about doing the best that we can, righting our wrongs, forgiveness, and above all, hope." Maria Hoagland, LDS Novelist

Today Hope's Journey is featured on the blog of Maria Hoagland, LDS Novelist, YW President, and mother of three teenagers. I appreciate her feedback from all three of these points of view... Visit Maria's blog to read her review, and while you're there take advantage of her knowledge about running and diabetes.


  1. What a great review. Looking forward to seeing you at storymakers.

  2. Thanks for linking back to my blog. I loved "Hope's Journey" and am looking forward to reviewing "Everything You Need to Know about Girls Camp" next week. Keep writing. It's some great stuff!


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