Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 13 - My Shadow(s)

Someone once shared the thought that "there are people who love their families and there are people who love their dogs." To that I would respond, "I love my dogs because they are a part of my family!"

There's a certain companionship and love that can only come from a canine friend. As ridiculous as it may sound to some of you, I consider my "puppies" to be my non-complaining, ever-loving, always devoted children.
Lilah is my sweet little 120 pound "baby girl." It's hard to believe it's been almost five years since we brought home our clumsy, awkward, big-pawed puppy. And, while she's definitely grown into her paws, she's still just as clumsy and awkward as she was back then. I begin and end every day with her jowls rested on the edge of my bed and her sappy eyes beckoning for my attention. She is my constant companion in the very literal sense of the word. If I'm writing, she's by my side. If I'm cooking, she's by my side. If I pick up my car keys, she beats me to the door. If I'm watching TV, she's watching too. And if I sit on the floor... well, of course, she sits ON MY LAP!

About ten years ago we rescued Rocky. How someone could neglect, abuse, and abandon this loving little guy, I will never understand. Though we weren't in the market for another dog, the moment Rocky met my husband it was love. He jumped onto Ry's lap and nestled his nose dotingly into his neck. Of course, with a move like that we had we had to bring him home. Over the years he's successfully intertwined himself into each of our hearts, and in return we've sufficiently spoiled him.

I am grateful for these two little (okay, one's not so little!) shadows in my day. I am grateful for their sweet, adoring eyes that want nothing more than a little sliver of my love. I am grateful for their companionship and their non-judgmental, ever-accepting devotion.

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